Clinical Nursing

Clinical nurse is registered nurse clinicians who manage direct patient care in a variety of areas, depending on their specialty. They can also be consultants, help other medical professionals to improve the patient outcome and influence all levels of care. In evaluating, diagnosing, and treating patient illnesses, they integrate their advanced knowledge of disease processes, but their role extends beyond providing patient care. The average annual salary for a clinical nurse specialist is $80,370. However Clinical nurses may vary depending on their experience, specialization, place and other factors. Clinical nurses should have advanced expertise, which means could also become employed in education and leadership roles. Depending on their specialty, clinical nurse specialist roles may differ on the job, but overall duties include:

  • Monitor patient condition and diagnoses illnesses and problems
  • Orders medical tests and evaluates results
  • Treats disabilities, diseases and injuries
  • Utilise advanced life support equipment and other technological monitoring devices
  • Advises nurses and other medical staff on issues of patient care
  • Educate and support patients’ families.
  • Collaborate as part of a team with other critical health professionals
  • Conducts research to gain more knowledge about the area of speciality

+1 (506) 909-0537