Oncology, Cancer and Tumor Nursing

Oncology Nursing addresses variety of problems arising in the care and cure of Cancer patients. Oncology Nurse Monitor physical conditions of the patient, prescribe medications, and patient responses to all treatment modalities, and specific nursing interventions. Cancer Nursing provides direction for prevention practices, screening, early detection, geriatric and pediatric cancer nursing, medical oncology, surgical oncology, food and nutrition, ambulatory care, neurological and psychosocial aspects of cancer.

The Conference offers unparalleled coverage of cancer prevention and cure practices worldwide, as well as ground breaking research findings and therapies.

CNSs are clinical experts in a specialized area of nursing practice and in the delivery of evidence-based nursing interventions.

They are clinical experts in evidence-based nursing practice within a specialty area, treating and managing the health concerns of patients and populations.

CNSs practice autonomously and integrate knowledge of disease and medical treatments into the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of patients' illnesses. These nurses design, implement, and evaluate both patient–specific and population-based programs of care.

+1 (506) 909-0537