Occupational Health Nursing

Occupational health nursing is a nursing sector that includes developing businesses health and safety programs or observing on - the-job injured employees. Occupational health nurses (OHNs) are specialists who practice in industrial and community arias to assist enhance the health and safety of workers and other community groups. Some of the most regular roles and responsibilities of OHNs include

  • Gain each patient's confidence and trust
  • Observation of workers performing their work tasks to evaluate health status
  • Implement plans for work such as patient preparation for surgery, injuries treatment blood pressure, pulse monitoring and temperature.
  • Educate patients about their health such as running clinics and diabetes, weight loss and quitting smoking
  • Work-related disease management
  • Innovative health and safety programs development
  • Emergency and disaster planning
  • planning of environmental health
  • Assistance with rehabilitation
  • Employee treatments coordination and suggestions
  • Emergency care for injured workers on the spot
  • Advise staff and families when they are injured
  • Research and collaboration with community organisations and health educators
  • Work with professionals to reduce the costs of disability claimsand etc.
  • ethical decisions related to consent and confidentiality

The Average occupational health nurse annual Salary is $71,441. The lowest 10 percent average annual salary is $57,623 and the highest 10 percent average annual salary $86,538.

+1 (506) 909-0537